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Data Analytics and Visualization

The Problem

TIG Environmental has clients that are PRPs in allocations at major Superfund river systems or mega-sites that require an understanding of contamination and their potential responsibility for these contaminants. However, investigations of these major Superfund river systems or mega-sites usually occurs over multiple decades and typically at different times in different segments of the investigation area. This can result in millions of analytical results that can be difficult for our clients to access and evaluate.

The Solution

We have developed custom data viewers that can readily handle the millions of analytical results generated in these systems and present TIG Environmental-developed data analytics that are tailored to the specific site and the specific needs of the client. These data analytics can include interactive maps of sediment contamination and statistical plots of analytical results that respond to real-time filtering and focused analysis.

Value Added

These viewers allow TIG Environmental to answer client questions about a site in real-time during meetings with the client and other outside parties such as regulators or allocators. In addition, these viewers allow the client to interface directly with the data to refine questions and assessments.

For more information contact:
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Timothy Negley

Managing Director

Data Analytics & Visualization Services Lead

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Jamie Combes

Principal Scientist

Data Integrity and Quality Management Lead

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Kathryn Ives

Project Scientist

GIS Lead

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